Richland Co., Ohio

Neighborhood News

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The Richland Star (Bellville) -- 22 January 1880


Source:  The Richland Star:  22 January 1880, Vol. III, No. 17  (source document held by Bellville / Jefferson Township Historical Museum)

Events of the Neighborhood.

E. Barton has made application to be divorced from Carrie Barton.

The Jury disagreed in the case of bastardy of Sallie Wise against Samuel Brubaker.

James Agan stole an overcoat from Miller, a Mansfield clothier, and was caught, and fined $8.60.

The verdict of not guilty was rendered in the case of the State of Ohio vs. Mrs. Mattie Williams, charged with ill-treating little Ida mercer, her foster child.  The case was commenced before Judge McCoy the 12th. inst., and the paneling of the jury and the hearing of the testimony occupied nearly four days.  Then the argument of the attorneys consumed nearly all the rest of the week.


Daniel Wesley and family removed to Mansfield on Tuesday.

Marriage License:  Philip Kochheiser and Elizabeth A. Streby.

Sadie Farquhar has fitted up her room ready for business.  Hattie Wilcox will assist her.

J. Eby of Lexington, called on us Monday before going to Columbus.  He will visit relatives at Reynoldsburg before he returns.

John B. Trophy, an orphan, who until last Christmas was in charge of Samuel C. Shafer, has found a sister at Caledonia, in good circumstances.

Hez. Maxfield had his left arm broken and mashed, Dec. 18th., 1879, while clearing away a snow blockade on a western railroad.  The accident was caused by the breaking of the plow and the consequent concussion of the engines.

Saturday we were shown a mastodon's tooth which, was found in the year 1828, three-fourths of a mile north of Johnsville, on what is now known as the Bixler farm.  It originally measured eight inches, and was thrown up with the earth in draining a marsh.  This specimen is in the possession of Reuben Evarts, Esq., from whom we obtained the above facts.

Many drunken men were on the streets Saturday afternoon and evening.  One of them forged an order, and presented it to B.F. Hines & Son, in payment of a pair of boots.  Mr. H. detected the fraud but offered him silence, and a pair of boots at the end of the year, if he would cease to drink.  For this reason his name is withheld.

The Omaha (Neb.) Daily News of January 1, contains a lengthly article describing the furniture establishment of Dewey & Stone, of that city.  The News characterizes it as a princely establishment, four story brick, and without a rival in the land, everything considered.  The firm has been in business seventeen years and enjoys a constantly increasing trade from all parts of the West.  Mr. Dewey's Bellville friends feel highly pleased over such evidence of his continued success.

Transfers of real estate have been recorded as follows:  Infirmary Directors to Ralph Fickes, ¾ acres in Washington Twp., $285;  A.B. Beverstock to Casper Kyner, 2 acres in Troy Twp., $200;  J.W. Kinton to Martha Freehafer, 20 acres in Worthington Twp., $900;  Isaac Baker to John Riggle, 12 acres in Jefferson Twp., $500;  Wm. Lemley to Wm. Wolf, out lot 1, Independence, $275.

Newly elected officers of Bellville div. S. of T.:  Miss Josie Kelly, W.P.;  Mrs. Dr. McMahon, W.A.;  J.W. Kelly, R.S.;  Mrs. O.C. Philpott, A.R.S.;  Dr. McMahon, F.S.;  Mrs. O.H. Gurney, Treas.;  Miss Jaretta McCluer, Chap.;  Mrs. Hattie Kelly, Con.;  Miss Nellie G. Elston, A.C.;  Miss Flora Day, I.S.;  Miss Lois Greely, O.S.;  Lynn A. LeFever, P.W.P.;  Geo. W. Durbin, Dr. McMahon, Lynn A. LeFever, Trustees.

Miss Lena Winters is visiting in the country.

J. Williard Lanehart left Monday for Hanover, N.H.

Maggie Patman is better;  Dr. T.T. Austin attendant.

I. Charles, of Lucas, visited at this place the first of the week.

R.B.M. Young came back from New York Thursday night.

Prof. O.J. Markle's boarding place is now at James Lafferty's.

Born Tuesday, to Mr. & Mrs. B.L. Garber, 9½ pound boy.  Dr. McMahon attendant.

A.E. Carpenter returned from Minerva, accompanied by Mrs. D.H. Carpenter, who is visiting relatives in this place and vicinity.

John Charles of Washington Township, has been sick for some time, and at present, is very ill, and requires constant care.

John L. Swank is clearing several acres of woodland for C. Swank, this winter.  Also, J.L. Garber is clearing several acres on his place, and S.K. Garber commenced to clear six or eight acres on his father's place this week.

Wm. Charles has secured the right to sell the Collin's Clothes Washer, in Knox County with the exception of one township.  He traded his horse and paid some money for the privilege.

Sherman Myers of Delaware, is calling upon his relatives here.  He will return the last of this week accompanied by his wife, who is at present under the care of Dr. Irwin, of Mansfield, for the treatment of her eyes.

William Kanaga, living five miles south-east of town, sold his farm to Wm. Donaugh last week, for $3,200.  He gives possession the first of April, when he will move to Independence.  Amos Donaugh Jr., will move on the place.

Wm. H. Sweny called at the office of Dr. Armentrout Friday last and requested that an examination of his shoulder be made.  It revealed a fracture of the neck of the scapula or shoulder blade.  As this was an unusual occurrence, other physicians were called in, who confirmed the Doctor's diagnosis.

Prof. Shutt writes us from New London, Ohio, that he attended the State examination at Columbus, Dec. 20th., and successfully passed the trial, and received a State Certificate which is perpetual.  The examination was very hard and lasted three days.  There are only the few who have the ability to pass this ordeal successfully.

Michael Hess, Infirmary Director of Knox County and one of his associates, came to this place, on notification of this County's Directors, last Tuesday to look after the family of A. Cory, consisting of seven members.  They have no authority to use force, and they failed to prevail on the family to go to the Knox County Infirmary.  They notified the Richland Directors of the fact, who must supply the persuasion.  They returned home yesterday.

Jennie, a little daughter of J.V. Oberlin, met with an accident Monday forenoon, which was similar to one mentioned in last week's STAR, concerning L. Lafferty's child, in Independence.  She was starting to the pump to get a drink and taking a few steps backward, tripped and fell into a bucket filled with boiling water.  Her hips and lower limbs were injured the most.  Cold water was applied to alleviate the child's suffering, until Dr. Armentrout arrived.  She is getting better and serious results are not apprehended.

A.G. Fry and J. Oyster arrived safely in Kansas.

M. Bolinger and wife, of Syracuse, Ind., attended the funeral of M. Reid.

A telegram from Cleveland, dated Jan. 21st., relative to the sale of liquor, reads:  Frank McCoy, Bellville, your remarks met my approbation;  sell to physicians only.  R. Buckingham.

Mrs. Lydia Lyme was taken to the County Infirmary last Friday, by the authorities.  She lived in the house with her son Amos Lyme, and it appears that the treatment she received was very brutal. The neighbors alleged she was obliged to beg firewood and provisions, frequently, and cook her own victuals, when so palsified to be hardly able to walk or hold anything in her hands.

A merry company of nine young ladies took the 4 p.m. train Saturday for Lexington, to visit their friend, Mrs. Artie E. Bailey.  It is needless to say that they were heartily received, and shared the hospitalities of her home and table with a great deal of pleasure.  They returned on the 10:19 train.  Her are the names:  Lizzie Cunningham, Adda Weagley, Nellie G. Elston, Josie A. Kelly, Hattie E. Kelly, Cornelia Moore, Jennie R. Weaver, Jaretta M. McCluer, and Blanche L. Glosser.

DEATH OF MATTHEW REID.  Matthew Reid died at his home last Sunday night at about fifteen minutes of 12 o'clock.  He had been complaining for about three months, and at times confined to his bed.  He was on the streets a day or two before he died.  Saturday he grew rapidly worse and passed away as stated.  He was troubled with a bealing in his head, which caused his death.  Matthew Reid was born in Belfast, Ireland, October 24th., 1821.  When he was past five years old, his father emigrated to York State where they lived until 1832, when they moved to Richland County and settled near Ontario.  In 1842 they settled in Lexington and after remaining there about a year and a half, moved to Washington Township.  Mr. Reed came to Bellville in January, 1854, and has since remained.  He was a stone mason by trade, which occupation he followed through life.  He filled the office of Assessor in Washington Township, and was Clerk of this township when he died.  He was married to Clarrissa Nesbitte, and had nine children, five daughters and one son of whom are living.  His oldest son was killed in the battle of Spottsylvania, Va., May 10th., 1864.  Mr. Reed was also in the army.  He went in Captain Moody's company, and was in the battle of Antietam, Fredericksburgh, Gettsburgh, of the Wilderness, Petersburgh, Reamis Station, Malvern Heights, Spottsylvania, and others.  He served a term of two years and then re-enlisted.  His funeral took place from the Universalist Church this Wednesday at 1 p.m.;  and he was buried in the honors of war.  The services were conducted by his pastor, the Rev. Mr. Lander.


Simon Stall has sold his property in Newville to Thomas Keller.

Lexter Traxler is able to be about again.

The frog pond near Moses Andrews should have the attention of the Street Commissioner.

Minnie Biddle is recovering from her last sick spell.

William, a brother of B.F. Oberlin, visited him last Sunday.

Work on the residence of I.C. Ball has been in progress, the past week.

Tommy Myers distributes the Mansfield Call in this place.

H.C. Shehy has a patent beehive of his own "git up".  It is a model one, and should engage the attention of bee keepers.

Wm. Horn, who had a fight at Sultry school house last Saturday evening with Warren Dill, came to town and plead guilty and was fined $3.25;  but it took the constable, H.C. Shehy and Henry Tresham, to bring Dill to town, who was find $10.50.  The trouble grew out of some stories that was circulated.  We learn that a woman was at the bottom of the fracas.

Samuel Phipps has a petition with numerous signers for the vacation of the road running from the bridge past Sam Greer's to Jas. Williams'.  Sam. Greer has a paper with an equal number of signers protesting against it, as it would shut him out from the world.

Mrs. Geo. W. McBee has been quite sick of late, but is now gaining.

John Staunton is disabled with the rheumatism.

Milt Wise has gone to Ft. Wayne, Ind., in hope of striking a job.

George Aungst and wife visited his father here last Monday.

Alex. McBride carried a wagon wheel to town last Monday evening, a distance of three miles.  We would style him the horses friend.

Z. Swank is slowly recovering from his illness.

CARD OF THANKS.  We hereby return our Thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly lent a helping hand and extended their sympathies to us during the illness and funeral of Bell McClay;  also to the Sons of Temperance and Revs. Miesse and Carns.  - - Web & Mary McClay.


John Beveridge has recovered from his sick spell.


Rev. Boyce, who was suddenly called to Illinois on business returned last Friday.

Fletcher Brown, who has been spending some time in Indiana, has again appeared in our midst.

Isaac Underhill and wife, of Norwalk, were the guests of W.W. Cockley, last Thursday.

William Fleming and Walter Smith start for Kansas next Wednesday.  They intend entering into business and making it their permanent home, if the country pleases them.

The daughters of G.M. Sowers, celebrated their birthdays by giving a large party on Saturday evening.

John Scott, an old gentleman, living about two miles north of town, died of heart disease, Monday night.

Slater's Run.

Fremont Teeter and cousin returned from Indiana, Saturday.  Mr. Teeter likes the country very well.

William Swaney is recovering from the effects of a broken arm.

On Sunday last Charley Kerr met with a severe accident.  Mr. Snyder and he were handling a pen-knife.  Mr. Snyder had the knife in his hands, and in a playful attempt to grab it, Mr. Kerr cut his wrist to the tendons.

M.W. Daugherty's little boy has been very sick the last week, but is now recovering.

Misses Mollie and Lilly Teeter visited their sister, who lives east of Mansfield last week.

A.D. Berry has returned from a visit at Shelby, which he much enjoyed.


Died, in Washington township, last Sunday, Miss Tody, after a short illness.

Mr. A. Tucker is very sick at this writing.

Mr. George Smith, of near Newville, was kicked on the head by a horse the first of the week.

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Advertiser's Index

  • A. Kanaga (attorney)
  • Clifton House, Wm. Lefever - Proprietor
  • J.F. Ghrist (tailor)
  • D. Palm (barber)
  • M'Creedy & White (blacksmith)
  • T.G. Bristor, Mansfield (dentist)
  • Guyselman & Bro. (single buggy harness)
  • Mansfield Normal College
  • Gerlach & Myes (carriages)
  • Wm. Lanehart (furniture)
  • J.H. Knisely, Mansfield (practical shirt maker)
  • Oberlin & Hitchman, Independence (drugs, groceries, provisions)

Transcribed by Amy E. Armstrong, Tuesday, September 04, 2007

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Tuesday, September 04, 2007